Innovation Inspired by Islamic Values
Welcome to MCRATE-C! We are a dynamic and inclusive community that aims to empower Muslim youth in the realms of creativity, technology, and entrepreneurship. Here, Muslims can harness their creative potential, embrace technological advancements, and foster entrepreneurship, all while staying true to Islamic values.
We celebrate diverse forms of creativity, leverage technology for positive change, and support aspiring Muslim entrepreneurs in realizing their visions.
À propos
MCRATE-C (Muslim Creatives and Technology Community) est une organisation innovante dédiée à l'autonomisation des jeunes musulmans, en particulier ceux issus de communautés sous-représentées. Notre mission est de combler le fossé entre créativité, technologie, entrepreneuriat et valeurs islamiques, en construisant une communauté de créatifs, d'entrepreneurs et de technologues musulmans, unis par l'ambition et la foi.
Nous offrons une plateforme dynamique pour l'éducation, la collaboration et le développement personnel, permettant aux jeunes musulmans d'explorer leur potentiel créatif, d'adopter les avancées technologiques et de favoriser les initiatives entrepreneuriales. Notre communauté est inclusive, accueillant les musulmans de toutes les sectes ainsi que les non-musulmans qui respectent les principes islamiques de base. À travers des ateliers, des programmes de mentorat et des projets collaboratifs, nous visons à encourager le leadership, les pratiques éthiques et l'expression créative, le tout dans le cadre des valeurs islamiques.
Chez MCRATE-C, nous croyons en la construction d'un avenir où les jeunes musulmans peuvent prospérer tant dans leur vie professionnelle que personnelle tout en apportant des contributions significatives à la société
MCRATE-C MCRATE-C (Muslim Creatives and Technology Community) is an innovative organization dedicated to empowering Muslim youth, particularly those from underserved communities. Our mission is to bridge the gap between creativity, technology, entrepreneurship, and Islamic values, by building a community of muslim creatives, entrepreneurs and technologists, bounded by ambition and faith.
We offer a dynamic platform for education, collaboration, and personal development, enabling young Muslims to explore their creative potential, embrace technological advancements, and foster entrepreneurial ventures. Our community is inclusive, welcoming Muslims from all sects and non-Muslims who respect basic Islamic principles. Through workshops, mentorship programs, and collaborative projects, we aim to nurture leadership, ethical practices, and creative expression, all within the framework of Islamic values.
At MCRATE-C, we believe in building a future where young Muslims can thrive in both their professional and personal lives while making meaningful contributions to society.

Empowering Muslim Female Leaders: MCRATE-C's Collaboration.
MCRATE-C, formerly known as the Muslim Female Creatives Community (MFC), has always been committed to nurturing leadership qualities among its members. In our quest to empower Muslim women leaders, we embarked on a groundbreaking collaboration with Engineer chung NDansak from Nertek, aimed at providing comprehensive leadership training.
Empowering the Muslim Community in Cameroon with Digital Skills
At MCRATE-C, we are passionate about empowering communities through education and skill-building initiatives. Our latest project, aimed at providing digital skills to the Muslim community across Cameroon, is well underway, and we couldn't be more excited about the progress we've made so far.
MCRATE-C's Impactful Webinar on Website Creation
In our unwavering commitment to uplift the Muslim community through education and technology, MCRATE-C recently conducted a transformative webinar on website creation. Led by the dynamic Leila Ousmanou Fadimatou, a seasoned software engineer with over a decade of experience in building websites for numerous clients, this event aimed to ignite the entrepreneurial spirit within our community members.
“We aim to position the Muslim community at the forefront of global innovation while preserving Islamic values.”
— NM Abdel Aziz., CEO

Meet the Team
Abdel Aziz
NJOYA Mohammed Fadil
Akeh Mariama
Karimon Iklimatou Bube
Leila Ousmanou
Contact Us
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
+237 673312720